Hilton Hassell OSA, RCA...
raphaelhassell@gmail.com or facebook.com/raphael.hassell
powarmor.com powered body armor-- click here
Hilton Macdonald Hassell OSA, RCA, A&L
hiltonhassell.org official L.A. Reigo and C.H. Hassell (for legal and copyright information)
Ontario Society of Artists
Royal Canadian Academy
The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto
Hilton Hassell VR/videogame
Hilton Macdonald "Mac" Hassell OSA, RCA, A&L, art editor of Maclean's, creative director of Brigden's Ltd. studied under JEH MacDonald G7, FH Johnston G7, JW Beattie RCA and Hayward Veal. Painted with AY Jackson G7, AJ Casson G7, Adrian Dingle RCA, Douglas Elliott and Tom Roberts. Hilton Hassell exhibited with the RCA between 1936-1966, the MMFA in 1960 and 1961, The Memorial University Art Gallery in 1965, Eatons Fine Art Gallery, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Royal Collection. Books illustrated- Anne of Green Gables, Anne of the Island, Anne of Avonlea (Mcgraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. 1942) Under The North Star, Over The Bridge, My World and I, also there is a book about the artist Patterns To Infinity (John Weale, Fednav Limited, 1994).
Valerie Ariel Hassell (Richardson/Cockburn) "val" ("Banny") A&L
"Jade" mom
The Royal Square Dance at Rideau Hall. Carling Breweries Limited commissioned Hilton Hassell to capture the scene as Princess Elizabeth danced with Prince Philip on their first visit to Canada in 1951, four months before she became Queen. The Queen’s return visit the following year the painting was presented to Queen Elizabeth II herself and it is now held in the Royal Collection. The painting was reproduced by the company as a Christmas card in 1958.
Copyright 2017 Raphael Hassell. All rights reserved. Reproduction only by permission.